Welcome to the Messengers of Kaplinius

Influence through Symbols, Textures and Tones

The Messengers of Kaplinius seeks to expound on the knowledge assimilated through centuries of esoteric study on subliminal tonal forms, textures and everyday symbolism as a way to build self-awareness and influence others in today’s, often confusing, modern society.

Beneath the Surface

“In essence, everything, given time, will reduce to its basal state. We can only understand that which is given to us within a slice of time. Ephemeral in nature. Timeless in memory.”

Shôn C. Ellerton

Areas of Study

Our society seeks to bring in enlightened individuals within a comfortable environment to share their findings in esoteric knowledge, the occult, science and nature, and of course, their life stories. Many of us also share an interest in whisky and cigars, but this is optional of course!


Everyday Symbolism

Look under your old family dinner plates. Look at that pattern on top of the building in your city. What do you see? 


Manipulation through Sound

Combining sounds can re-create memories and exact influence on others. Tritones, sinister modes of music, and overlapping octaves to communicate through pulsing. Strange stuff indeed.


Life through Texture

It is an old saying that the mind must be made to conceive before the eye can be permitted to discover. Close your eyes and discover the world of texture.


Simulation and simulacra

Follow some of the tenets authored by Jean Baudrillard in the crazy and whacky world of simulation and simulacra. Are you living in the real world?


Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is the half-light of our sublunary being. It is a personal favourite of the founder who feels that anyone who has not experienced this marvelous phenomenon is missing out on the sublime.


Ancient Earth Energy

Ancient druid earth energies have mystified mankind since time immemorial. Ley lines, energy sinks and rises, and standing stones are deeply haunting but so captivating.

Other Areas of Study

Why Join Us?

We are not accepting any funds or donations. Should we wish to fund a charity, we might offer a voluntary fund. We are only wanting to bring a group of enlightened individuals to have a wonderful discussion on everything esoterica over some convivial food and drink. And to make new friends!

Well. Did you know that science and technology cannot progress without knowing BEYOND that which we know? Undoubtedly, most fringe theories are useless, but most important discoveries are brought FROM the fringe.

We all have many commitments, but bonding with others to discuss subjects which are of an esoteric nature is sometimes not easy to come by.

Shôn Ellerton